Friday, March 30, 2012

A Bit of Fun

We have had some fun activities lately. We had a personal progress night a couple of weeks ago to talk about and complete some personal progress goals.  The first one we talked about was as a young women's group we will all be fasting this Sunday 1st April.  We will be fasting for those young women that are less active or having trouble getting to church so that we can know how to help them.
The next activity was a knowledge one and we talked about talents and then learned how to do some cake decorating.  These are some of the girls efforts.  They did really well....although some of them enjoyed the eating more than the decorating.  We even got to celebrate Talija's birthday! 


  1. Such a fun night!! Thanks heaps Lyndal :)

  2. I'm glad you liked it. And it's good to see that someone actually looks at the blog :)
